"Chloe,I almost forgot that you are a performer now.I'm just more relaxed.Come out and experience life.【差点忘了你现在从事演员这个职业,我只是比较悠闲,想要来这里体验生活。】"

  "Can I help you?【有什么需要帮助的吗?】"



  景殷得到自己想要的答案后,转而看向那壮汉,挑了挑眉:"Of course, if you want,I really have a little trouble here.【当然要是你愿意的话,我这里还真的有一些小麻烦。】"


  "Let me know if you have any trouble.【有什么麻烦,尽管和哥们说。】"

  景殷一一给对方介绍身后几人,而后委婉描述:"My friend and I want to go to the **sniper field.But now going to the subway station over there is far from the **sniper fieldIt's also a long way.Our program group has limited funds.There may not be enough funds.【我和我的朋友想去**狙击场,可是现在去到那边的地铁站,距离**狙击场也有很长一段路,我们节目组安排限制经费,可能经费会不够。】"

  "This is a damn rule.It's all on me.I can take you there.【这真是一个见鬼的规则,一切包在我身上,我可以送你们过去。】"


  "Are you going to play at the sniper field?I happen to be bored now, too.Can I play with you?【你们这是要去狙击场玩上一把吗?正好我现在也无聊,可以和你们一起玩吗?】"

  刘舒从震惊中反应过来,先开口和善回应道:"Of course.【当然可以。】"

  壮汉和对方握手,随后看向景殷,笑容多了几分调侃:"That's a great honor.To see Mr Chloe marksmanship.I really have no regrets in my life.【那也是我的荣幸,能够见识Chloe先生的枪法,那也是我此生荣幸啊。】"